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Iridescent Offset & Facade Design

Ubran Context_ Street Turning Corners

Viola Ago - Instructor / Weitzman School of Design, University of Pennsylvania 

Ziyuan(Sam) Wu & Shiru Chen - Facade Design + Model Fabrication

Iridescent Offset is a contemporary architectural design concept that incorporates materials and finishes that exhibit iridescence, creating dynamic visual effects. This approach leverages the unique optical properties of certain materials to produce surfaces that change color and appearance based on the angle of view and lighting conditions. The term “offset” in this context refers to the graphic and deliberate placement, and layering of these materials to maximize their visual impact and interplay with light.

In addition to enhancing the aesthetic appeal of a structure, the iridescent offset graphic can play a functional role in architectural design, particularly in urban environments where sharp street corners can create harsh visual breaks and abrupt transitions in the streetscape. By applying iridescent materials at these turning points, the design helps to soften the perceived edges, allowing the corner to visually blend and shift with the changing light. This not only creates a more continuous architectural narrative but also adds a layer of visual intrigue that draws attention to the movement and dynamism inherent in the urban fabric. The iridescent effect can serve as a gentle mediator between intersecting planes, guiding the eye smoothly around corners and contributing to a more cohesive street-level experience.

Design Processes

Midterm Model

Video Explanation 

Design & Fabrication Processes

Exploded Diagram_Structural Layers

Facade Section_Zoom In Structural Details

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